Organic Gardening 101, Workshops, Events

"Weedeater" Docu Film Screening & Organic Gardening 101 Free Workshop!

This Sat 5/27 at 7PM, we're screening 'Weedeater', a documentary about radical thinker and earth steward Nance Klehm. Doors open at 6:30 and please feel free to bring your own refreshments!

Saturday 5/27 at 11:00 AM, we're having another of our classic Organic Gardening 101 Workshops for those who may have missed it in the past. Bring pen and paper to this informative workshop!

Free Organic Gardening 101 Workshop Saturday 5/27 at 11:00 AM

Get ready and prep your garden with our classic Organic Gardening workshop with Loretta! We'll discuss soil preparation, what to plant and when, how to manage pests and diseases, and how to nourish your plants in this basic and informative workshop that's perfect for beginners and intermediate gardeners alike. As usual, bring pen and paper and plenty of questions!

'Weedeater' Docu Film Screening Sat 5/27 at 7:00 PM!

We are thrilled to hold this screening of the important documentary film Weedeater, about earthworker Nance Klehm. Nance Klehm is a self-described “steward of the earth.”  As an ecological systems designer, a permacultural grower, a horticultural consultant, she is a talented and much sought after teacher and speaker.  She is respected internationally for her work on land politics and growing for soil and plant fertility. Meeting her for the first time feels as though you are catching her mid sentence and mid-stride.  Weedeater trots along side Nance through various landscapes, gathering together a collection of her thoughts and philosophies on everything from wild, uncultivated weeds to human waste composting to “the dark cosmos”- soil.   An accurate portrait of Klehm would be impossible to confine to a formal or traditional documentary narrative.

Instead, Weedeater attempts to sketch Klehm’s character as well as reflect the depth and complexity of her intimate relationship with the earth and all of its inhabitants in the unique and intimate structure and style of this experimental film.  This film is 50 minutes long. 

Please feel free to bring your own refreshments to this community event!  Doors open at 6:30. 


Weedeater is a documentary about Nance Klehm a plant communicator and radical ecologist. This film is an art collaboration and invitation for community participation and sustainable cohabitation.